Oodles of Doodles

Here are some potential designs I’m sketching out. What do you think?

  • Half & Half

  • Sundowners

  • XOXO

  • Balance

  • Yellow Brick Road

  • Data

  • Hyperlinks

  • Jester

Which one is next?

I’ve been doodling away at new sweater ideas, but it takes a lot of time, effort, and money to go from sketch to a real sweater. So, help me decide which one to go with next! Leave your vote in the comments or send me a note!


  • I LOVE them all!

    Bobbi Stanley on

  • Sundowners, please!!! With an option in girlie colors, please and thank you. xo

    Elizabeth Amorose on

  • How does one choose? We love them all……my favorite is Hyperlinks and Eric’s is Sundowners :)

    crystal and eric on

  • They are all amazing!!! But if i were to pick one: Sundowners

    Carolina on

  • And Half & Half!

    Stacey on

  • Oooh! I love Sundowner and Balance.

    Stacey on

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